What was Ablution?
Ablution was... I guess you could call it an experiment. It was more like, a beta-version of Fragility. The idea was to make a webcomic that could be put out at the same time as Zenith which was more serious and would deal with Runie's past in a similar way that Fragility is currently doing. Only, like all experiments, well, I didn't like the way it was going, I didn't like the portrayal of characters, and while I did learn some things it just wasn't working out quite the way I wanted it to.
The formating was just, odd. Having a 3 panel comic for an intense drama/horror didn't really make sense although it did ease the workload. But the coloring didn't help at all with easing the release times- and with webcomics timing is everything, which was another reason I stopped. I did like the art and how it was going, and kept some elements of it in Fragility, while others I just got rid of.
One of the reasons why I really hated it was because I made Runie way too aggressive than she ought to be, and in doing so the first time Lina appeared, I sorta ruined her first impression for the audience. I thought it over, and wanted to give her a gentler side regardless of the fact she was a soldier, and while she does seem kind of snarky at times, she's nowhere near as bad as she was previously.
You can still read Ablution, on this site and on webtoons if you wish to check it out. It should be quite and interesting experience especially when comparing it to Fragility.
Ablution was... I guess you could call it an experiment. It was more like, a beta-version of Fragility. The idea was to make a webcomic that could be put out at the same time as Zenith which was more serious and would deal with Runie's past in a similar way that Fragility is currently doing. Only, like all experiments, well, I didn't like the way it was going, I didn't like the portrayal of characters, and while I did learn some things it just wasn't working out quite the way I wanted it to.
The formating was just, odd. Having a 3 panel comic for an intense drama/horror didn't really make sense although it did ease the workload. But the coloring didn't help at all with easing the release times- and with webcomics timing is everything, which was another reason I stopped. I did like the art and how it was going, and kept some elements of it in Fragility, while others I just got rid of.
One of the reasons why I really hated it was because I made Runie way too aggressive than she ought to be, and in doing so the first time Lina appeared, I sorta ruined her first impression for the audience. I thought it over, and wanted to give her a gentler side regardless of the fact she was a soldier, and while she does seem kind of snarky at times, she's nowhere near as bad as she was previously.
You can still read Ablution, on this site and on webtoons if you wish to check it out. It should be quite and interesting experience especially when comparing it to Fragility.